Wrongful Death Truck Accident Lawyer
Texas wrongful death lawyer answers that your family’s road to financial recovery after a tragic truck wreck depends upon the specific facts and circumstances of the collision.
- If the negligence of another driver was to blame for the wreck, you might have a strong claim against that person’s insurance company and/or assets. If that driver was distracted, fatigued, drunk, or reckless when he or she caused the accident, then you might be able to recover full compensation for the extent of your family’s losses. A skilled Texas wrongful death lawyer could help you obtain the concrete evidence you need to prove your valid claim.
- If the wreck was caused by the employer’s or trucking company’s failure to adequately service and maintain the tanker truck, then you could make a claim against the employer or trucking company.
- If the collision resulted because of a vehicle defect or equipment malfunction, your claim might go to the manufacturer of the product that failed. A tire blowout from a hidden defect, a fire caused by a defective cracked fuel line, a brake defect, or an engine defect could all cause catastrophic fatal wrecks.
You could strongly benefit from the help of an experienced Texas wrongful death lawyer that knows how to investigate truck accidents, pinpoint the causes and the parties to blame, locate and collect the strong evidence you need to prove your case, and negotiate or try your claim to a successful conclusion.
Negligent defendants won’t freely give you the compensation that you and your children deserve after the horrific accident. You need to demonstrate a strong claim and the ability to prove it in court. Contact the dedicated and experienced Texas wrongful death lawyers at Denena Points for a free and confidential legal consultation. We have more than 12 years in helping the families of victims killed in truck accidents to win the monetary recoveries they deserve and need after the tragic accidents that so changed their lives. Call us today at 877-307-9500 or schedule your free consultation using our convenient web contact features.