Texas City Truck Accident Lawyer | FREE CONSULTATION

Texas City Truck Accident Lawyer

A truck accident can leave you financially compromised and struggling to recover. But a Texas City truck crash lawyer can get you the help you need.

Texas City may not have the same kind of traffic Houston has, but we have our fair share of large commercial trucks. And that means we have our fair share of truck accidents.

Truck accident victims have a right to pursue compensation for their injuries and expenses if another party caused their crash. But because seeking compensation can be extremely challenging, many enlist the services of a qualified Texas City truck accident lawyer.

If you’re interested in filing a claim for compensation after your truck crash, Denena Points, PC is ready to help you.

What Causes Texas City Truck Crashes?

In our time fighting for truck accident victims, we’ve noticed some common causes that unite many 18-wheeler accidents. Identifying the cause of your crash will be an essential part of building your claim for compensation.

The following are some common causes of Texas City truck accidents:

  • Distracted Driving – It’s easy to imagine how driving an 18-wheeler for hours on end could become boring, but that doesn’t excuse truckers who cause crashes because they’re distracted by using their phones, eating, or talking to passengers.
  • Drowsy Driving – This is a particularly common problem among semi-truck drivers. Despite rules that mandate periodic breaks for truck drivers, many choose to keep driving in an effort to earn trucking company incentives. In cases like this, you might name the trucker or the trucking company in your claim.
  • Defective Truck Parts – Semi-trucks are large machines with many parts. If one of those parts doesn’t work properly and causes your crash, you could name the part manufacturer in your claim for compensation.
  • Dangerous Roads – Unreasonably sharp curves and roadside construction sites without proper signage are hard enough to deal with when you’re driving a car, and stopping a large truck for a road hazard can be even more difficult. If a road hazard caused the truck accident that injured you, the government entity responsible for maintaining safe roads may be to blame.
  • Improper Loads – Cargo can fall out of 18-wheelers or cause them to tip over when it has been loaded incorrectly. When that happens, you might have a wreck as a result. The people who loaded the cargo onto the commercial truck might be responsible for your injuries in this case.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive?

If your Texas City 18-wheeler accident wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to pay anything out of pocket for the resulting damages. That means that the value of your claim will be determined by the type and severity of your damages.

Some damages you might suffer after a semi-truck accident include the following:

  • Your healthcare expenses
  • Lost income because you’re unable to work
  • Vehicle damage
  • Expensive physical therapy
  • Emotional trauma
  • Reductions in your quality of life

Team Up with a Texas City Semi-Truck Crash Lawyer

The attorneys at Denena Points, PC can help you maximize the value of your truck accident claim. We’ll gather evidence, file your paperwork, and stand up to the trucking and insurance companies on your behalf.

To speak with a Texas City truck accident lawyer, give us a call at 713-807-9500 or head to the bottom of the page to fill out our online contact form.