Varying severity, treatments, & outcomes for Texas TBI injuries | DENENA | POINTS

Varying severity, treatments, & outcomes for Texas TBI injuries

As Clear Lake accident lawyers, we see clients who have experienced traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and their aftermath after serious car, pedestrian, and motorcycle accidents. Athletes, along with accident victims, are a group that also suffers a disproportionate number of TBIs. Athletes and the complications they might experience from multiple TBIs over time have been a focus of major research studies and news stories in recent years.

Treatments for a TBI encompass monitoring and control of intra-cranial pressure after an injury, ensuring adequate blood flow to the injured brain, surgery when needed to control the bleeding in and around the brain, and generally treating the patient for any other injuries or infections that could augment the effects of the TBI.

The outcome after a TBI can range from a fine recovery to fatal injury. The cause of the TBI as well as the location and severity of the injury play a part in determining the outcome. The Glasgow Coma Scale is one measure used to categorize TBIs by their severity. The scale measures verbal response, eye opening, and motor response.

A mild TBI might involve the following:

  • Loss of consciousness for 30 minutes or less,
  • A loss of memory regarding the events just before or after the accident injury, and
  • Disorientation or confusion at the time of the accident.

Long-term effects after the accident and TBI might include headaches, cognitive difficulties, or memory problems. Particularly with a mild TBI, you might not have noticed the symptoms at the time of the injury. You might have thought you were fine and suffered no ill effects from the accident until later.

If you or your family members have suffered an accident and you believe you might have the symptoms of a TBI, seek medical diagnosis and treatment for the injury. If you have questions regarding your eligibility for financial compensation for your injury, contact us for a free legal consultation. If you have questions, our Clear Lake accident lawyers have answers.