Where to Turn after a Serious Motorcycle Crash Injury in Texas City | DENENA | POINTS

Where to Turn after a Serious Motorcycle Crash Injury in Texas City

Motorcycles and their riders are more vulnerable to injury than larger, heavier vehicles and their occupants. The Texas City motorcycle accident attorneys emphasize that road debris that a car or light truck can safely pass over could present a fatal hazard to a biker. A motorcycle is balanced on only two wheels, rather than a solid four, so if one tire slips, the rider usually has to lay the bike down or crash. And in the event of sharp evasive maneuvers or collision with a fixed object, the rider might be hurled from the bike to impact headfirst with the ground, another vehicle, or a concrete retaining wall.

The motorcyclist has no vehicle enclosure or 3-point seatbelt restraint to hold him in place. Air bags don’t deploy to protect him from impact. Though there are safety features like airbags available for bikes, they don’t offer the same protection as those in a car or light truck.

Motorcycle riders and their passengers end up with crash injuries that might include road rash burns, severe lacerations, broken bones, and serious head traumas. Motorcycle accidents are about 37 times more likely to be fatal to riders than enclosed passenger vehicle crashes are to their occupants.

Some studies, like a recent in-depth study out of Florida, have shown that the motorcyclist is at fault for his accident less than half the time. Browse our website and use our internal search feature to find more information on motorcycle accident data and research.

For example, on Monday morning on FM 519, a tractor-trailer truck suddenly lost its rear axle and tires, perhaps due to poor maintenance or to a vehicle defect. An unfortunate motorcyclist, 29-year-old Juan Lopez, collided with the debris and wrecked. He was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries from an accident he couldn’t avoid. (Chris Paschenko, Galveston County Daily News, 1/21/14)

Sometimes you just don’t have the time or maneuvering room to avoid a crash. When you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you need to find the right Texas City motorcycle accident attorney to help you get the financial compensation you deserve for the needless harm you’ve suffered. And it isn’t easy to win your case. Public opinion, media opinion, insurance adjusters, and juries all tend to blame the biker first.

You need a Texas City motorcycle accident attorney familiar with the issues and the bias bikers face, and who’s experienced in handling serious motorcycle injury cases. Let us help.

Contact the Texas City motorcycle accident attorneys at Denena Points, PC. We have more than 12 years of experience successfully resolving complex motorcycle crash personal injury and wrongful death cases on behalf of our clients. Call is for a free initial legal consultation at 713-807-9500. Or just fill out our easy online contact form to schedule your no obligation consultation. Put our experience and knowledge to work for your benefit.