On Severe Injuries from Underride in a Car Wreck with an 18 Wheeler | DENENA | POINTS

On Severe Injuries from Underride in a Car Wreck with an 18 Wheeler

To help them carry their massive loads over irregular pavements and ordinary road obstacles, 18-wheelers have very high ground clearances. Many passenger vehicles could drive under an 18-wheeler in whole or in part. This presents a dangerous hazard when a car collides with a heavy truck.

Even with the presence of underride guards on a truck, our Alvin, TX 18-wheeler accident lawyers note that a car’s hood may sometimes travel entirely under the heavy truck. The car’s passenger compartment might be crushed or sheared off, resulting in head, neck, and other severe or fatal bodily injuries to the vehicle occupants. Depending upon the speed of impact, the car might end up trapped completely beneath the 18-wheeler during an underride accident.

This is just what happened on Monday in Victoria, Texas. A small Ford Focus collided with an oil tanker as the heavy truck pulled away from a stop sign in front of it. The small Ford Focus ended up trapped under the oil tanker truck. The underride accident caused serious injuries to the driver of the Ford Focus as well as an oil spill from the tanker.

Click on the link to learn about the dangers from underride accidents in car wrecks with 18-wheelers. The Alvin, TX 18-wheeler accident lawyers at Denena Points, PC caution you to always keep a safe distance when traveling near 18-wheelers on the roadway. And be alert to heavy trucks that might pull out in front of you suddenly without proper regard for your safety.

Need Help and Information after a Serious Truck Collision has Injured You?

Download our free guide to taking the necessary actions to develop a strong and effective truck accident injury claim. And if you have questions about your specific truck collision injury after a negligent truck driver has harmed you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our Alvin, TX 18-wheeler accident lawyers provide a free, no obligation initial legal consultationto discuss your accident and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery for your injuries. And we never charge attorney’s fees unless we win your case for you. Get in touch with us anytime through our online contact form or reach us directly at 281-369-4363.