Rushing to Fatal Disaster: Red Light Running Causes Fatal Texas Wrecks | DENENA | POINTS

Rushing to Fatal Disaster: Red Light Running Causes Fatal Texas Wrecks

People run red lights heedlessly all over Texas. And more and more news reports feature stories of innocent victims who lost their lives in fatal Texas wrecks when a red light runner crashed into them as they were crossing an intersection. Some of those who run red lights are people in a hurry who don’t stop to think that the safety they might be sacrificing as they rush to their destination might be their own. Others are distracted drivers who might be texting or engaging in other multitasking activities as they drive. They just plain fail to notice the light. Others might be drivers too drunk or fatigued to notice or understand the red light.

But when a rushing vehicle runs a red light and collides with you, the results can be catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Collisions caused by red light runners are more likely than other types of wrecks to produce some degree of injury. 47% of red light running crashes produce injury, as opposed to 33% of other crashes.

On urban roadways, fatal Texas wrecks are more likely to result from red light runners than from other types of crashes. Across the nation, at least 200,000 injuries and 1,000 deaths occur each year because of red light runners. And those statistics are on the rise as our population increases and the number of vehicles on our roadways, many driven by unlicensed and uninsured drivers, also increases.

If someone who ran a red light has injured you, or you lost a loved one to such a collision, the burden of proof rests on you to prove the cause of the accident and the validity of your claim for compensation. As you pursue your claim, you would benefit from the help of an experienced Texas accident attorney who could conduct a thorough investigation of the accident for you.

Your Texas accident attorney might need to reconstruct the accident in the context of the timing of the red light at the intersection where the accident occurred. It’s important that you bring an able Texas accident attorney onto your case as soon as possible. Valuable evidence that you might need to prove your claim begins to disappear and degrade almost immediately following an accident.

Contact the experienced Pearland, Texas accident attorneys at Denena & Points to maximize your financial settlement from your red light runner accident. Your initial legal consultation is absolutely free. We’ve been helping people harmed by road collisions for more than 12 years. We would be happy to discuss your case with you and how we could help. We look forward to providing you with the good counsel and specialized legal help your need to make informed decisions following your catastrophic accident losses.