Recognize the Dangers from Unsecured Houston Dump Truck Beds & Cargos | DENENA | POINTS

Recognize the Dangers from Unsecured Houston Dump Truck Beds & Cargos

Our Houston dump truck wreck attorneys remind readers that literally hundreds of fatal accidents and serious injuries occur each year due to improperly secured and unsecured dump truck beds or cargos. Many of these accidents and injuries affect the workers employed on and around the trucks. The problem is so pervasive that companies have formed just to make products to lock dump truck beds in secure positions in the event of operator error or mechanical failures.

And OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) issues citations to employers if they don’t provide effective dump truck bed lockout procedures and dump bed bracing while employees work under the bodies of the trucks.

The Texas transportation code in Subchapter B of Section 725.021 mandates that dump truck cargos be enclosed, covered and secured to prevent loose material from escaping, blowing, or otherwise spilling out of dump trucks. (But you have possibly seen dump trucks that ignore these rules.)

Our Houston dump truck wreck attorneys point out that dump trucks are heavy utility vehicles specifically designed to haul away the detritus of modern societies. Gravel, rocks, debris, and trash of all kinds fill their beds when loaded. A load of gravel or rocks that suddenly spills onto roadways and neighboring vehicles can cause catastrophic injuries and multiple fatalities.

Despite numerous regulations and specially designed commercial safety products, numerous fatal accidents occur each year from dump truck beds that crush workers and heavy dump truck loads that spill onto unsuspecting passenger vehicle occupants and pedestrians. The unstable nature of the loaded vehicles with their high centers of gravity on relatively short frames provides a natural recipe for roadway disasters.

Crushing and mangling injuries from such accidents can lead to enormous expenses and the need for life long medical care in survivors. If you’re the victim of a Houston dump truck wreck, you’ll likely find your claim vehemently opposed by profit-conscious trucking companies and their insurance companies. Complex evidentiary issues involving technical cause and effect, the laws of physics, and intricate mechanical workings on the trucks complicate your claim.

To have a fair chance at obtaining the full financial compensation you deserve for your traumatic injuries and losses, you’ll almost certainly need the aid of experienced Houston dump truck wreck attorneys who know how to navigate the legal complexities of the case and how to stand up to the heavy-handed tactics of your opposition. Contact the knowledgeable Houston dump truck wreck attorneys at Denena & Points for a free legal consultation regarding your accident. Their proven skills in dump truck cases could be your key to winning the financial compensation you justly deserve.