Protect your Young Child on Texas Roads with a Child Safety Car Seat | DENENA | POINTS

Protect your Young Child on Texas Roads with a Child Safety Car Seat

Vehicle accidents are most dangerous to children 14 years old and younger. They have the greatest risk of dying or suffering serious injury in a crash. This is partly because seatbelts and airbags are mostly designed to protect people of adult size and weight. And children are more easily ejected from a vehicle in a crash. And our Galveston personal injury attorneys point out that about 75% of victims who get ejected in a crash suffer fatal injuries.

Recognizing the dangers to children of vehicle accidents, Texas law says that you must have your child in a child safety car seat if the child is less than 8 years old. If your child is 4’9″ (57 inches) or taller, he or she does not need to be in a car seat even if the child is under 8 years old.


Young children may derive the greatest benefit from rear-facing car seats. The websites of the U.S. NHTSA and CPSC have information on which car seats are recalled and which are safest.

If you’re pulled over and your child is subject to the car seat law, but not actually seated in a child safety car seat, you could be fined up to $250. But the real cost of not properly restraining a young child in a vehicle is the risk of serious injury or death in the event of an accident.

Download our Free Book to Learn about How to Make a Successful Car Accident Injury Claim in the Event of a Crash

Click the book icon on this web page to download your free book. And if you have additional questions about the specific accident that harmed you or your child, don’t hesitate to contact the Galveston personal injury attorneys at Denena Points, PC for a FREE, no obligation initial legal consultation. We could discuss the specific facts of the crash and evaluate your eligibility for fair financial compensation for the injuries. Call us at 281-369-4363 or reach us through our online contact form.