What a Parent Can Do When a Child is Injured in a Houston, TX Accident | DENENA | POINTS

What a Parent Can Do When a Child is Injured in a Houston, TX Accident

As parents, we Houston injury lawyers at Denena & Points were a bit horrified when we read of the 4-year-old boy who was struck by a car as he crossed the street in front of his school. While that accident didn’t produce any major injuries or fatalities, and certainly wasn’t the most objectively horrifying accident we’ve encountered in the last few days, there’s just something about a car striking a small, innocent child that absolutely chills a parent down to the marrow.

And it isn’t as if the boy darted out into the street suddenly and the car’s driver simply couldn’t avoid him. On the contrary, according to the news reports the young boy was crossing the street in the company of his parent and a crossing guard. As parents, we would like to believe that such a scenario presents the ultimate in safety.

But that sadly was not the case here. The car – pedestrian accident occurred shortly before 9:00 a.m., well within the active school zone period, right in front of the MLK Early Childhood Center. Even if the 4-year-old boy forgets the details of the accident over time, it will probably live vividly in the parent’s memory forever.

The parent doesn’t have to wait passively for the authorities to deliver a citation or criminal charge to the negligent driver who caused the horrifying accident. The parent can initiate a civil suit to obtain fair compensation for the child’s injuries and for any pain suffering, and mental anguish resulting from the accident.

The parent’s lawsuit could deter the negligent driver from causing further accidents of this kind in the future. One parent standing up for their rights could save other parents and children from similar or even worse traumas.

The parent would do well to seek the counsel of an experienced Houston injury lawyer as soon as possible, while evidence of the accident is still available. Evidence begins to fade and degrade almost from the moment an accident occurs; so prompt action is needed to preserve it.

Witnesses’ memories of the incident become confused and unreliable. A knowledgeable Houston injury lawyer could take their statements while memories of the accident are still fresh and clear. No matter how heinous the accident or egregious the defendant’s negligence, in a civil suit the burden of proof rests entirely upon the injured party, the plaintiff. So parents need able counsel to help them win their injury claims for their children.

If you’re a parent whose child has suffered injuries from a driver’s negligence or distraction, contact us for a free consultation about the accident. The Board Certified Houston injury attorneys at Denena & Points could provide you with clear counsel on your available remedies against the negligent driver. We could walk you through the steps you need to take to obtain just compensation for your child. Your stand for justice, holding the driver financially accountable for the accident, could help deter that driver from ever injuring anyone’s child again. Contact us at your convenience. We’re here to help.