Neglecting to maintain a truck's tires can lead to fatal Texas wrecks | DENENA | POINTS

Neglecting to maintain a truck’s tires can lead to fatal Texas wrecks

Our Conroe, TX truck crash lawyers noticed a story on Friday about a messy 18-wheeler wreck in Orange that the investigating officer clearly attributed to the truck’s bald tires and lack of maintenance. What happened in the truck crash is that a truck slowed down for a previous accident where a GMC pickup had run into the median at the I-10 FM 1136 exit. After getting around that accident the trucker sped up, apparently excessively.

The truck hydroplaned and the truck driver overcorrected. The 18-wheeler then jack knifed, which broke the truck’s trailer into two pieces. The truck then hit the highway wall and might have damaged it. The truck’s driver received transport to the hospital for a dislocated shoulder.

Electronic equipment from the truck’s cargo fell over the overpass onto the frontage road below. The officer at the scene attributed the accident to bald tires and a failure to maintain the truck. Officers cited the truck driver for speeding during inclement weather and for defective equipment, the bald tires.

It’s pure luck that no other injuries, vehicle damage, or fatalities resulted from the messy wreck and the falling 18-wheeler cargo. Truck wrecks on busy I-10 often make the news for their extensive damage and tragic fatalities.

Massive 18-wheelers are extremely dangerous to smaller vehicles and their occupants who happen to be sharing the road with these heavy behemoths. Driving a poorly maintained 18-wheeler with bald tires down busy I-10 in inclement weather is just plain negligent. Speeding down I-10 while driving a poorly maintained 18-wheeler with bald tires is closer to gross negligence.

If nothing else, the state and local governments should claim compensation from the negligent truck driver and trucking company for the costs of repairing the I-10 wall and responding to and investigating the accident. Otherwise it’s our tax money that will go to making the repairs and paying the costs of this unnecessary accident caused by trucking negligence.

Negligence and the needless accidents and harm it causes cost us all money. Money that we just can’t afford in this stagnant economy. The slowed economy was likely also caused by negligence, probably wanton and willful negligence at that. But such is not our area of practice.

We should hold negligent drivers, trucking companies, manufacturers, and others accountable for the costly harm they cause. Our experienced Conroe, TX truck crash lawyers stand ready to help you if you’ve suffered injury or economic losses from a truck wreck. Download our free e-book on the essentials of dealing with costly 18-wheeler wrecks. The book will help you understand the process for recovering fair financial compensation for your injuries. And if you have questions about your own truck crash, you could contact us for a free initial legal consultation.