Legal Help You Need for a Gulf of Mexico Maritime Accident Injury | DENENA | POINTS

Legal Help You Need for a Gulf of Mexico Maritime Accident Injury

Under age-old general maritime laws, a seaman’s employer must provide needed medical care after an illness or injury at sea. But obtaining more than the basic minimum may present a challenge.

Contact the Experienced Gulf of Mexico Maritime Accident Attorneys at Denena Points, PC for the Help You Need Obtaining Just Compensation


Depending upon the circumstances of your employment, different maritime industry laws might cover your illness or injury. And each has different filing requirements, eligibility criteria, and compensation levels. The Jones Act, for instance, allows seamen to sue negligent employers for full financial recoveries in some instances. Contact us for a free legal consultation to learn which laws cover your injury and what you need to do to win the compensation to which you’re entitled.

At Denena Points, PC, we provide a free and confidential initial legal consultation, without obligation, to discuss your case and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery. And our Gulf of Mexico maritime accident attorneys don’t charge you attorney’s fees unless we win your case for you. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime by filling out our online contact form.

Dangers You Face in the Course of Maritime Employment

The life of a seaman is a dangerous one, as evidenced by the more than 3,500 maritime accident casualties reported by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) in a recent five-year period. Our Gulf of Mexico maritime accident attorneys note that among the many things that can go wrong to cause severe injuries or even fatalities are:

  • Collisions between vessels,
  • Running aground,
  • Falling cargo,
  • Falling into open cargo bays,
  • Being struck by moving equipment,
  • Oil rig or vessel fires, explosions, and other accidents,
  • Helicopter accidents as workers get transported to and from offshore platforms,
  • Navigation errors,
  • Equipment failures, and
  • Weather-related accidents.

Our Gulf of Mexico maritime accident attorneys emphasize that most accidents at sea are preventable. And those that do occur could be reduced in severity when vessels and their personnel have adequate safety and reporting procedures in place. Sound safety rules might include the following:

  1. Proper training of personnel,
  2. The presence of all necessary safety equipment,
  3. Clear channels of communication and procedures for dealing with accidents and emergencies,
  4. Thorough inspections and maintenance of vessel equipment, mechanisms, and supplies, and
  5. Compliance with all applicable safety rules and procedures in all aspects of the vessel’s operation