Insurance Co. Dirty Tricks to Watch for in Your Baytown Accident Case | DENENA | POINTS

Insurance Co. Dirty Tricks to Watch for in Your Baytown Accident Case

When you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident, the value of your case could run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions, in an insurance settlement.

  • Medical expenses,
  • Ongoing medical care,
  • Necessary therapies and rehabilitation,
  • Medical equipment,
  • Medications,
  • Lost Wages, and
  • Reduced earnings potential because of disabilities from the accident.

These are just some of your costs and expenses that a negligent defendant’s insurers might have to pay you for. Faced with these high dollar payouts on your injuries caused by a negligent defendant, insurance companies might take any route they can to undermining your claim and uncovering dirt that they could use against you in your case.

In one of the actual cases our Baytown accident lawyers handled, we had a client call us up because a suspicious truck had been driving around the neighborhood for several days videotaping the neighborhood and its residents. One neighbor had called the police who came out to speak to the occupants of the van. The van wasn’t seen in the neighborhood again.

Our client had received severe injuries in an accident and we were fighting to obtain just compensation for those debilitating and costly injuries from the insurance company. In such cases, it isn’t unusual for insurance companies to surreptitiously try to obtain video evidence or recorded statements revealing that a claimant might not be as injured as they claim. The insurance companies will send people with cameras and recording devices to follow you around and record your movements and activities. They’ll cut and splice videotapes to make it look like an accident victim isn’t as injured as they say.

Our Baytown accident lawyers know that the insurance company tricks won’t work against our clients.

  • We, as dedicated Baytown accident lawyers, insist that our clients fully document their injuries and get prompt medical attention to mitigate their harm. We don’t puff up false claims. But we could document the full extent of all of your actual injuries, pain and suffering, and projected future needs for medical care and therapies.
  • Our Baytown accident lawyers also actively pursue aggressive defendants and insurance companies and insist that they hand over the complete tapes of any recordings they’ve made of our clients. We’ll get court orders to compel the turnover if necessary.

Facing the kinds of dirty tricks and underhanded tactics insurance companies might employ against you, you want to be sure to hire an able and experienced Baytown accident lawyer to represent you and protect your rights and interests in your injury claim. Don’t lose out trying to go it alone.

You can arm yourself with the knowledge you need as you pursue an accident injury claim. Feel free to look at more informational articles on our library page. You can also download our free and informative e-books on the important do’s and don’ts of accident claims. Then contact our Texas Board Certified Baytown accident lawyers, Chad Points and Tony Denena, for a free consultation to discuss your case. We could help you successfully combat insurance companies’ dirty tricks, and win your injury compensation claim.