Insurance adjuster tactics against a Houston dump truck accident claim | DENENA | POINTS

Insurance adjuster tactics against a Houston dump truck accident claim

Our Houston dump truck accident attorneys point out that bottom line-conscious insurance companies defending high dollar value insurance policies will be motivated to do all they can to minimize or deny your claim: You might not realize that the value of a dump truck liability policy is probably about 50 times greater than the value of your car insurance policy.

Such high dollar liability coverage proves necessary because the damage caused by a dump truck in a wreck can be so much more extensive than that caused by an ordinary passenger car. So insurance companies stand to lose large amounts of money if they must pay out on your major dump truck accident claim.

The insurance company’s first line of defense is the high-pressure insurance adjuster. The adjuster might badger you relentlessly to try to get statements to use against you as admissions of your own liability for causing the accident. Even the most innocent statements can be artfully twisted to mean something other than what was actually meant. And you can be fairly certain that any statements you make are being recorded.

Texas follows the doctrine of modified comparative negligence. This doctrine holds that a victim found to be at least 50% of the cause of his accident cannot sue anyone else for compensation from the accident. So if the insurance company can find a way to show that you were at least half responsible for causing your accident with the dump truck, then it doesn’t have to pay you. Our Houston dump truck accident attorneys caution that you should not speak to the opposing parties (including the insurance adjuster) directly. Hire an attorney to handle all contacts with the defendants and their insurers for you.

The insurance adjuster will also take advantage of your inexperience in such matters to try and get you to sign away your rights. If he can’t get you to release your rights completely, then he might offer you a quick cash settlement. We know that a quick cash settlement looks good in the aftermath of a serious accident when your expenses are usually piling up quickly.

But don’t take the settlement. If you accept it, you also relinquish your right to make any further claim for compensation. And you can be sure that the quick settlement offer represents only a very small fraction of the real cash value of your claims. Get a knowledgeable Houston dump truck accident attorney to carefully examine your case and determine its true value for you. A strong accident attorney could uphold your rights in the matter and ensure that you don’t accept less than you should for your injuries.

One thing to always remember is that in any civil claim for damages, the burden of proof is on you, the plaintiff, to prove every aspect of your claim. The defendants have merely to defend. They don’t have to prove anything. They only need to cast enough doubt on your story to sink your claim. And without the concrete evidence to prove your claim that an able attorney could obtain for you, a well-funded insurance company could find destroying your claim to be child’s play.

Insurance companies and their intimidating adjusters will only respond to the opposition of an attorney who is as aggressive as they are. You need a Houston dump truck accident attorney with a long string of truck accident case victories to his credit who can motivate the insurance representatives into a fair settlement with you. The aggressive truck accident attorneys of Denena & Points have successfully faced off against every major insurance company in Texas.

When you need a solid track record of success to help you build and win your claim, call on us to help. We’ve dedicated over 12 years of our lives to helping injured accident victims recover the just compensation that they deserve to help them get their lives back on track after a tragic accident. Call us today at 877-307-9500 for your free legal consultation. We understand the pain you’re feeling after a devastating dump truck accident; we don’t charge you any attorney’s fees unless you win your claim.