Important Nova Max Diabetes Test Strip Recall Warning from the FDA | DENENA | POINTS

Important Nova Max Diabetes Test Strip Recall Warning from the FDA

The Pearland recall attorneys at Denena Points, PC report that on Friday, Nova Diabetes Care announced the recall of around 62 million glucose test strips sold under the names Nova Max Blood Glucose Test Strips and Nova Max Plus Glucose Meter Kits. The recall is due to contamination by a chemical used in the manufacturing process that could cause the diabetes test strips to indicate abnormally high, incorrect blood sugar levels.

The U.S. FDA is warning diabetes patients not to use the recalled glucose test strips because the incorrect readings could lead to resulting medication errors and delays in critical medical care. Concerned patients and caregivers can call 800-681-7390 or go to to see if their test strips are affected by the recall. If your test strips are subject to the recall, you can return them and receive free replacements. Our Pearland recall attorneys note that some symptoms of abnormal blood sugar levels could include: nausea, excessive thirst, headaches, weakness, and trembling.

Contact the Pearland Recall Attorneys at Denena Points, PC to Report any Injuries from a Defective Medical Product

If you’ve been injured by defective medical product, it is vital to report your injury at once. The U.S. FDA takes reports of such injuries very seriously.

At Denena Points, PC, we’re always concerned about products that might cause serious or fatal injury. We strive to reduce the dangers of injury from defective medical products and to help victims and their families obtain the compensation they deserve after a needless injury caused by a product manufacturing defect.

Our Pearland recall attorneys always provide a free initial legal consultation, without obligation, to discuss your injury and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery for the needless harm you’ve suffered. We never charge attorneys’ fees unless we win your case, so there’s no financial risk to you. Call us today at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime through our online report form.