Hurdles You Face in a Valid Compensation Claim for a Dump Truck Injury | DENENA | POINTS

Hurdles You Face in a Valid Compensation Claim for a Dump Truck Injury

Aggressive insurance defense attorneys: Our Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers emphasize that the big insurance companies can always afford to send in a team of highly paid insurance defense attorneys against you. The companies would also send their professional investigators and accident re-creation specialists to defend high dollar dump truck accident injury claims.

Our Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers note incidentally that the insurance policies that cover commercial trucks might be worth more than 50 times the value of the average car insurance policy. The insurance defense team might be on the scene investigating a major dump truck accident before you fully comprehend what has happened to you in the wreck.

The goal of the insurance defense team is to protect their employers’ bottom line. They will make every effort to find evidence that will shift the blame for the dump truck accident back to you. They will look for evidence that will mitigate the potential liability of their clients.

You should remember that the defense in a civil liability claim like a dump truck accident injury case doesn’t have to prove a thing. The burden of proof rests entirely on the plaintiff (you). The defense only has to cast enough doubt on your story so that you can’t prove your case.

Disappearing evidence: Time is of the essence in a dump truck accident claim. Evidence is fleeting. Our Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers point out that the longer you wait to initiate your case, the less evidence you’re likely to find to support your claim.

We have seen time and again how almost from the very moment an accident occurs, critical pieces of evidence begin to fade, change, or disappear. Just clearing the scene of an accident irreparably alters and destroys some key evidence. Witnesses begin to leave the scene and to forget what they saw. Vehicles get hauled away to salvage yards and parts get sold or stolen or sold. Defendants who fear the consequences of their liability sometimes destroy, change, or hide evidence. Video surveillance tapes near the scene are routinely re-used and taped over. Even weather can erase some of the evidence you might need.

Trucking companies: Trucking companies see liability claims as a threat to their profits and bottom lines. In the event of an accident involving one of their trucks, they fear that profits will be reduced by a payout to you. Our Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers mention that the employees of the trucking company might believe that they could lose their jobs, their profit shares, or at least face pay cuts if the insurance or trucking company settles your claim in a fair amount.

Additionally, trucking company employees are not burdened by industry codes of ethics like the insurance adjusters or defense attorneys who face sanctions or the loss of their licenses when they violate ethical standards. Relieved of such burdens, they might feel free to engage in bullying and intimidation tactics that could take you by surprise. Threats to claimants or witnesses, and manipulation of evidence to give them the ability to deny or drastically reduce your claim are not as uncommon as you might believe. Freed from the restraints of pesky ethical standards, trucking companies could play hardball against you and your claim to protect their assets.

Truck drivers strongly motivated to lie: Truck drivers who negligently cause major accidents and cost their employers loads of money in compensation costs are likely to find themselves quickly out of jobs. The employer just doesn’t want to take chances on other costly accidents. Other reputable companies also likely will not hire the truck drivers implicated in serious or costly accidents.

Our Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers realize that loss of his career could represent a frightening prospect for a dump truck driver. Even decent, rule-following truck drivers might be strongly motivated to lie or to tamper with evidence in order to protect their jobs.

You need the help of an aggressive Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyer who isn’t intimidated by defendants’ desperate tactics. Your skilled lawyer could defend your rightsin the case and help guide you through a successful dump truck accident injury claim against your determined opposition.

The dedicated Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers at Denena Points, PC have extensive experience in successfully countering the heavy-handed tactics of trucking companies and big insurance companies. We could meet your defendants’ tactics with an effective counterattack and ensure that they negotiate with you in good faith to reach a just settlement of your claim.

Contact Us Today for a Free, No Obligation Legal Consultation

You have no obligation to hire an attorney. And the veteran Pearland, TX dump truck accident lawyers at Denena Points, PC could use your free initial consultation to examine the specific facts of your accident and potential eligibility for a full financial recovery for your injuries. Contact us today at 281-369-4363 or through our online contact form.