Houston Attorney for Intersection Crash Injuries from Red Light Runner | DENENA | POINTS

Houston Attorney for Intersection Crash Injuries from Red Light Runner

The Board Certified Houston attorneys at Denena Points, PC have more than a decade of experience winning fair financial recoveries for victims and grieving family members whose loved ones sufferedintersection crash injuries caused by red light runners. We understand the severe losses and injuries that result when a negligent driver disregards a traffic signal and impacts another vehicle (which had the right of way) at high speed in a Houston intersection.

But victims need to gather crucial evidence before it disappears or is hidden. And they need to build a strong and convincing case in order to receive the financial compensation they deserve. They’ll usually be up against powerful insurance teams with a financial incentive to discredit their claims. And few cases are as clear-cut as you might imagine They require the able services of experienced Houston attorneys for intersection crash injuries from red light runners.

A Recent NW Houston Intersection Crash reveals the Risks

For example, just recently in northwest Houston, a pickup truck traveling down Champion Forest crashed into a car on Cypresswood in the intersection. The high-speed impact forced both vehicles off the road into some trees, and mangled the vehicles so severely that rescue crews had to pull the pickup apart in order to get the two trapped occupants out. They were both carried by helicopter to the hospital for their injuries. The car’s driver was also hospitalized in serious condition. Police said one of the vehicles had run the red light, but they were still investigating which one it was. (Ryan Jones, KPRC click2houston.com, 1/5/14)

Occupants of both vehicles were seriously injured. But the driver that is determined to have run the red light will likely have to pay for the others’ injuries, in addition to not being able to obtain relief for his or her own injuries. If that driver is insured, the insurance policy might pay for the injuries up to the coverage limit, but the driver’s insurance rates will go up. Running a red light is definitely a lose/lose proposition.

The High Number of Deadly Intersection Crashes Nationwide from Red Light Runners

The U.S. NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Facts of 2008 noted that over 2.3 million reported intersection wrecks occurred that year. These crashes left more than 7,770 people dead and about 733,000 victims injured.

The IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) found that in fatal wrecks involving red light runners, 22% of the drivers were unlicensed (imagine that!), and that 25% had blood alcohol content levels over the legal limit (another surprise!).

Our Houston attorneys for intersection crash injuries from red light runners mention that TxDOT maintained about 4,940 traffic signals in the State of Texas at an approximate cost of $32 million in fiscal year 2012. Signals which quite a few drivers disregarded.

The agency also funded 290 behavioral/enforcement projects under the Texas Traffic Safety Program using $46.5 million in federal and state grant funds. Some of the projects were designed to deter dangerous driving behaviors such as speeding, aggressive driving, distracted driving, or driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. (TxDOT: 2012 Pocket Facts) Any attempts to deter red light runners from a behavior which endangers themselves as much as others have apparently met little success.  Although, by comparison, the TxDOT Click It or Ticket campaign seems to have increased the number of seat belt users by about 20%.

Contact the Board Certified Houston Attorneys at Denena Points for Experienced Legal Help addressing Serious Intersection Crash Injuries from Red Light Runners

We offer a completely free initial legal consultation, with no obligation, to discuss your case and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery from your injuries. Call us today at 713-807-9500 or just fill out online contact form to schedule your free consultation.