Hold negligent truck drivers accountable for the losses they cause you | DENENA | POINTS

Hold negligent truck drivers accountable for the losses they cause you

Our Texas truck accident lawyers want you to know that when a negligent truck driver causes an accident, and you have financial losses from that accident, you don’t need to be a helpless victim. Texas law provides remedies so that you can hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions and make them pay for the accident damages they’ve caused.

Just Saturday night, Laday Corre, behind the wheel of a Dodge 1 ton flatbed truck, accelerated through the wall of a store just missing the store clerk and causing substantial damage to the store. The wreck probably also destroyed some merchandise and took a high toll on the nerves of the store clerk. The wreck happened at the Abby Mart just outside of Splendora, TX.

News accounts of the incident don’t relate what caused Laday Corre to accelerate directly into the store instead of just parking outside and walking in like other folks. Even if the wreck was a simple accident caused by accidentally applying the gas pedal instead of the brake, driving through the wall of the store represents an act of negligence. The store owner could file a civil suit to recover financial damages from Ms. Corre to pay for repairs to the store. If brake failure due to a mechanical defect was a factor, the store owner might be able to recover from the manufacturer or other party responsible for the brake failure. The store clerk might even be able to recover damages to pay for a bit of trauma therapy, if needed.

The key to a successful civil suit and a just recovery of financial compensation is an able Texas truck accident lawyer. An experienced Texas truck accident lawyer knows how to conduct a thorough investigation to identify accident causes and responsible parties. His legal expertise could ensure hat you have the evidence you need to make a successful accident claim for your damages. Your lawyer’s knowledge of the intricacies and special challenges of truck accident claims could prove the crucial elements for producing a winning legal strategy and convincing arguments to present your side of the case.

If you’ve suffered losses because of a negligent truck driver, contact our Texas truck accident lawyers at Denena & points for a free legal consultation. And download our free e-book on the essentials of truck wreck claims.

We have a background in and inside knowledge of trucks, truck driving, and the trucking industry that you won’t find with many other lawyers. Our extensive experience has enabled us to help our clients win claims against negligent truck drivers and trucking companies for more than a decade. We could help you too. Contact us today.