Hazardous toys to look out for as you do holiday shopping at TX stores | DENENA | POINTS

Hazardous toys to look out for as you do holiday shopping at TX stores

This time of year sees various organizations issue lists of toys they consider dangerous to your children. Hazards presented by these toys could include:

  • Strangulation.
  • Electrocution.
  • Laceration.
  • Punctures.
  • Choking.
  • Lead and chemical toxins.
  • Nearing reduction from noise levels.
  • Other forms of injury or death.

The consumer group called WATCH (World Against Toys Causing Harm) issued their list of the 10 most dangerous toys they found in stores this year. Their list includes a wooden duck pull toy by HABA with a pull cord almost a yard long that could strangle a small child. It also includes a Power Rangers Samurai Mega Blade figure with long dagger-like attachments that could puncture or lacerate a child.

The Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) issued its 26th annual “Trouble in Toyland” list of potentially dangerous toys. Their list includes a Hello Kitty eyeshadow key chain that poses a risk from high levels of toxins and a Sesame Street Oscar doll that poses a choking risk. Since PIRG began issuing its Trouble in Toyland report, the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has issued recalls on 150 of the toys listed in the PIRG reports.

Last year alone, the CPSC recalled more than 3.5 million toys due to the risks of choking they posed to children. It also recalled about 200,000 toys due to high levels of toxins.

It’s important to note that none of these products have yet been recalled. But by the time a product gets recalled, it may already be too late for your child who’s been injured by the dangerous product. It’s also important to know that many toys reach store shelves without being tested or evaluated for safety by the CPSC.

It’s not just small toys for children that pose hazards this holiday season. Toys intended for adults, such as ATVs and expensive sports cars, also pose risks. When you’re doing your holiday shopping, keep the safety of your family and friends foremost in your mind.

And if a dangerous or defective product has injured your child, give us a call for a free legal consultation about the accident. Our Texas Board Certified injury lawyers could walk you through your legal options and help you understand how you could make a full financial recovery for your costs from the accident. Your costs might include things like medical expenses and your child’s pain and suffering. Contact us today to learn more. If you have questions, we have answers.