Godmother's heroic act saves godchild from Desoto drunk driving crash | DENENA | POINTS

Godmother’s heroic act saves godchild from Desoto drunk driving crash

The Houston injury attorneys at Denena & Points pass along news of a drunk driving crash that could serve as a model for a modern day morality tale where good saves the day over evil. In Desoto, TX on Sunday, a drunk driver crashed at high speed into the home of Pastor Eric Johnson. The Pastor and his family and friends were present when the car slammed through the living room.

During its headlong flight into the residence, the car turned and drove Princess Goodwin and her two-month old godchild into a wall. Princess Goodwin raised the baby aloft as she herself became pinned beneath the out of control vehicle. The pastor and his neighbors had to break through a wall to reach the pair. With some difficulty, they managed to extract Princess Goodwin and her godchild from the wreckage of the car and home.

The Pastor and Princess credit faith and the Lord for everyone’s survival of the destructive drunk driving accident with only minimal scratches and bruises. Our Houston injury attorneys note that the home itself was totaled in the wreck, and can no longer be occupied. The drunken rampage of the vehicle through the home sent furniture careening across the living room. The pastor’s two daughters were thrown against the fireplace. The WFAA.com account of the Desoto drunk driving crash doesn’t mention the fate of the drunk driver.

For believers, this story could represent a morality tale, illustrating the triumph of good over the destructive efforts of evil. For others, it’s probably just another unfortunate tale of innocent people harmed by an out-of-control drunk driver.

However you wish to view the story, pictures from the WFAA account indicate that indeed the survival of the occupants of the pastor’s home is something of a miracle. Our Houston injury attorneys point out that the destruction of the home in the crash well illustrates the deadly force an out-of-control drunk driver’s speeding vehicle can wield.

For the last several years, efforts have been underway to curb drunk drivers and their destructive activities. But no matter what means are employed, drivers continue to succumb to weakness and risk others’ lives by getting behind the wheel. Not all those in the paths of their vehicles are so blessed as the pastor and those at his home on Sunday.

Our Houston injury attorneys urge our readers to be responsible drinkers; let someone else drive. If a friend or relative starts to get behind the wheel while impaired, stop them. If you see a stranger about to take to the road while intoxicated or impaired, call law enforcement. Protect yourself and your family and friends. Like Princess Goodwin, your smart action might save a life.