Get the Numbers on Deadly Dog Attacks | DENENA | POINTS

Get the Numbers on Deadly Dog Attacks

You might have seen the recent video that was shown on TV news reports and all over the Internet where a family cat chased off a large dog that had attacked and bitten the family’s young son as he was riding his bike. But our Houston dog bite injury attorneys note that not everyone has a fearless superhero cat to protect them and their family from deadly dog attacks. says that in the period from 2005 through last year, dogs in the United States killed 283 people. 176 of the victims (62%) died from pit bull bites. Rottweilers accounted for another 12% of the bite fatalities. Just in 2013, pit bulls accounted for 78% of the deaths, yet they only make up 6% of the U.S. dog population. Rottweilers, by comparison, only accounted for 3% of the deaths in 2013.

To look at it another way, pit bulls kill someone about every 18.5 days, while Rottweilers kill someone every 99.5 days.

56% of the victims of the fatal dog attacks in 2013 were children. 61% of those children were 4 years old or younger. The American Humane Society indicates that approximately 66% of child victims are bitten in the face, head, or neck.

47% of the dog attack deaths in 2013 involved dogs attacking in concert. 78% of fatal dog attacks occurred on the dog owner’s property. And 22% resulted in criminal charges. California, Texas, Arkansas, and South Carolina were the four states with the highest number of deadly dog attacks.

If You need Experienced Legal Help after a Dog Bite Attack, Contact Us

The Houston dog bite injury attorneys at Denena Points, PC have more than 15 years of experience helping victims and their families obtain the fair financial recoveries to which they’re entitled after a vicious dog attack. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime through our online contact form to schedule a free and confidential legal consultation. You have no obligation to hire an attorney. Our Board Certified Houston dog bite injury attorneys will review the facts of your case with you and help you evaluate your potential eligibility for financial compensation for the needless injuries. Contact us today. And let us help put you on the road to recovery.