Your First Step to Financial Relief is a Thorough Investigation of Your Accident | DENENA | POINTS

Your First Step to Financial Relief is a Thorough Investigation of Your Accident

Houston dump truck accident lawyers know that a diligent investigation of your accident and the site where it occurred forms an essential foundation to almost every successful truck injury claim. An in-depth truck accident investigation serves two primary purposes. The first purpose seeks to uncover all of the contributing factors to your Houston dump truck accident.

You need to combine a thorough analysis of the sequence of events leading up to your accident with an exhaustive review of all that took place during and immediately following the wreck. This careful, sequential analysis could help reveal contributing factors to the wreck that you might initially have missed.

For instance, if a manufacturing defect in a truck tire led to a blowout, the resulting change in vehicle stability might have caused the cargo load to shift. Then the cargo shift might have caused the driver to lose control of the dump truck. In dump truck accidents, cargo shifts or loss of driver control frequently cause the massive vehicles to tip over.

Almost every accident in life has multiple causes. But it requires the experience gained from numerous accident investigations to accurately pinpoint all of the contributing factors in a complex truck accident. The obvious cause of the accident described previously, which began with a tire blowout, would be the driver losing control of the vehicle and the resulting rollover. But an experienced Houston dump truck accident lawyer would know to look further. His diligent efforts could uncover the negligent tire manufacturer and the negligent cargo loading at fault in the matter too.

Identifying all of the parties liable for causing the accident that you could sue gives you more chances of recovering the economic compensation you deserve because of your injuries.

The second purpose of your accident investigation is to gather the evidence you will need to prove your case in court. In a lawsuit for civil monetary damages, like a truck accident injury claim, the burden of proof rests completely on the claimant (you). The defendants need prove nothing; they need merely to defend. If they can sufficiently discredit and undermine your case, they can win and you walk away with nothing.

So you must not wait to bring a skilled Houston dump truck accident lawyer in on your case. Hesitation can be costly. Evidence begins to fade immediately following an accident. Just clearing the scene of a truck accident so that traffic can pass forever alters and destroys some of the evidence you might need. The longer you wait to have a knowledgeable lawyer examine your accident scene and gather evidence on your behalf, the weaker the available body of evidence to support your claim will be.

With the high dollar amounts at stake in a Houston dump truck accident claim, you can be sure that the defendants will use every trick to shift the blame for the wreck back to you. It is not uncommon for these opposing parties to lie, or to alter, hide, or destroy relevant evidence. For instance, truckers desperate to avoid liability have been known to sneak into salvage yards and damage the victims’ vehicles to make it look like they were driving without headlights at night to cause the accident. Astute Houston dump truck accident lawyers can ask to review videotapes to catch the evidence of the sabotage. But sometimes tapes get recycled and taped over in just a few days, so you must act at once to secure a competent attorney for your case.

To learn more about the perils and potentials of dump truck accident cases in Houston, download our free book on the essential elements of a winning truck claim. The book is free to our readers; the information it contains could prove quite valuable for you.