The Extremely High “Unintentional” Injury Rates in the U.S. Population | DENENA | POINTS

The Extremely High “Unintentional” Injury Rates in the U.S. Population

Unintentional injury is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. The “unintentional injury” category includes work accidents, traffic accident injuries, amusement park and recreational boating or jet ski accidents, infant falls from defective high chairs, and structural collapse accidents, among other things. Basically, all those injury accidents you might experience in the ordinary course of events when you didn’t expect to suffer any harm at all fit into the U.S. CDC unintentional injury category. A certain percentage of the population intends to inflict injury, either upon themselves or others, but their work is generally excluded from this category.

U.S. CDC Unintentional Injury Statistics

The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control), which keeps fine control over injury and disease statistics if not always over the diseases and injuries themselves, reports that in 2010 29.3 millionemergency room visits were attributed to unintentional injuries.

In 2010, for instance, there were:

  • 120,859 “unintentional injury” deaths, at a rate of 39.1 per 100,000 people. We point out that this represents a rather high rate of injury overall. Traffic authorities generally estimate fatality rates based on millions of people.
  • 26.009 unintentional fall deaths at a rate of 8.4 per 100,000. The major percentages of these fatalities were in the construction industry or attributable to structural collapse accidents.
  • 33,687 motor vehicle traffic deaths ate a rate of 10.9, and
  • 33.041 unintentional poisoning deaths at a rate of 10.4 per 100,000. We note that the CDC tabulation did not present the number of intentional poisoning deaths.

Contact the Board Certified Houston Personal Injury Attorneys at Denena Points, PC when you need Help after an Unintentional or Unexpected Injury

We offer a completely free and no obligation initial legal consultation to discuss the specifics of your accident and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery for your injury. Our more than 12 years of experience successfully resolving complex personal injury and wrongful cases could help lead you to a full financial recovery for your injuries. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime through our online contact form, available on our web page.