The Difficulty of Getting the Compensation You Deserve from a Bike Wreck | DENENA | POINTS

The Difficulty of Getting the Compensation You Deserve from a Bike Wreck

One rider involved in a motorcycle accident initiated by a negligent truck driver sounded stunned by the trucker’s actions at the scene of the wreck. And well he should be.

But as Freeport, TX motorcycle accident lawyers, we’ve handled so many cases on behalf of injured victims of truck accidents to know that:

  • The truck driver might have been suffering from extreme driver fatigue, making him less likely to notice oncoming vehicles, and slower to respond to them.
  • His (or her) awareness might have been so dimmed by fatigue that he or she actually did not truly notice the oncoming brigade of motorcycles before pulling out in front of them.
  • The truck driver might have had medical conditions and might have been taking medications that further dimmed awareness, judgment, and reaction times.
  • Or the trucker could have harbored a malicious form of the anti-biker bias that affects so large a percentage of the general population.

But it’s important that bikers know that they have equal rights to the road. If a negligent driver causes an accident and injured them, they have a perfect right to pursue that person in a court action to collect fair compensation for their unwarranted harm.

But the anti-biker bias we mentioned poses a problem. It makes it very hard for a motorcyclist to obtain fair compensation in an injury claim. In fact, studies have shown that, on average, juries award bikers 25% less than car drivers suffering similar injuries in similar accidents. And that difference is attributed to anti-biker bias.

To win just compensation on an injury claim from another driver’s negligence, the biker needs the help of an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer skilled in overturning anti-biker bias. When you’ve been injured in a bike wreck caused by another negligent driver, contact the Freeport, TX motorcycle accident lawyers at Denena & Points.

We’ve been conducting in-depth investigations into motorcycle accidents and the accompanying issues affecting bikers for more than 12 years. Our long-term experience could make a key difference in your injury claim. That difference could enable you to win a full financial recovery for your injuries where self-representing bikers would be turned away empty-handed. Call today for your free consultation to discuss your accident and recovery prospects.