Are You Covered Under the Jones Act for Your Maritime Accident Injury? | DENENA | POINTS

Are You Covered Under the Jones Act for Your Maritime Accident Injury?


The Jones Act (the U.S. Merchant Marine Act of 1920) was passed to ensure that U.S. seamen had comparable legal remedies for on-the-job accidents and injuries to other U.S. workers. To qualify for financial compensation under the Jones Act for your maritime accident injury, you must be a “seaman” permanently employed at least 30% of your working hours on a vessel on navigable waters.

The Jones Act definition of seaman includes captains, masters, and officers of the vessels; barge workers; deck hands; other crewmembers; and cooks, bartenders, and others who otherwise meet the definition of seaman mentioned above. Our Gulf of Mexico Jones Act attorneys note that longshoremen, dockworkers, shipbuilders, and harbor staff generally do not meet the definition of seaman for purposes of the Jones Act.

But maritime industry workers not covered under the Jones Act might have remedies available under state workers’ compensation statutes, general maritime law, or the LHWCA (Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act).

Click the link to read more about U.S. Jones Act remedies and financial compensation available to seamen who’ve suffered a maritime accident injury.

Contact the Gulf of Mexico Jones Act Attorneys at Denena Points, PC with Questions about Your Maritime Accident Injury

We understand that it’s sometimes difficult to know which legal remedies are available and how to obtain them after you’ve suffered an unexpected on-the-job accident in the maritime industry. We’re here to help.

Our experienced Gulf of Mexico Jones Act attorneys provide a free and confidential initial legal consultation to discuss your specific accident and evaluate your potential eligibility for financial compensation and other remedies. You have no obligation to hire an attorney. If you do choose us to represent you, we don’t charge you attorney’s fees unless we win your claim. So there’s no financial risk to you. Let us help you recover. Call us at 281-369-4363 or reach us through our online contact form to get your free legal consultation.