The Costly Risk of Accepting Manmade Surgical Mesh for Prolapse Repair | DENENA | POINTS

The Costly Risk of Accepting Manmade Surgical Mesh for Prolapse Repair

Our Pearland, TX medical device injury attorneys note that a couple of recent studies have demonstrated that using natural tissue instead of manmade surgical mesh produces far better, and safer, results for patients undergoing pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repairs. The surgical mesh used in transvaginal prolapse repairs was originally designed for the far less invasive procedure of hernia repairs.

FDA rules that allowed medical devices (such as the surgical mesh implant) that were “substantially equivalent” to a medical device already on the market to receive expedited approval without further testing. So… the transvaginal surgical mesh implants used in the highly invasive POP repairs were never subject to clinical trials and human testing before they were used on hundreds of thousands of women already in desperate pain from prolapse.

Medical Science has not yet Invented an Effective Replacement for Natural Tissue in POP Repair

As yet, medical science just does not have a way yet to fully replace with artifice the strength and flex of natural tissue. Natural strength, combined with a certain amount of “give,” seems to be what a patient with severe POP requires to adequately support the prolapsed internal organs without complications. Our Pearland, TX medical device injury attorneys emphasize that the surgical mesh implants that are now a major focus of lawsuits have proven themselves inadequate to the task of safe and effective prolapse repair.

I know quite a few women with severe vaginal prolapse problems who have had to undergo corrective surgeries more than once as their surgical mesh repairs failed. Our Pearland, TX medical device injury attorneys recognize that surgeries of all types have potential complications. Your age, immune system strength, and overall heath condition strongly affect your risk for surgical complications.

In the case of surgical mesh implantations for POP repair, the real problem is the use of a medical device inappropriate for the task to which it’s assigned. If you’re facing severe prolapse, talk to your doctor, get a second opinion, and research potential treatments before submitting to medical device implant surgery.

Juries are Already Awarding Injured Women and Their Spouses Millions of Dollars in Compensation

And know that juries have already begun awarding women injured by the surgical mesh implantationsmillions of dollars in damages awards. Of course, no monetary compensation can ever provide true relief for a failed medical device, but your compensation award could help hold medical device manufacturers accountable for their callous disregard of your health and well-being. In their competitive rush for profits, manufacturers don’t want to spend the necessary time or money to ensure that the products they market are actually safe for use in your body.

Contact the Pearland, TX Medical Device Injury Attorneys at Denena Points, PC if a Surgical Mesh Repair for POP has harmed You

If you or a loved was injured because of a surgical mesh manufacturer’s product, you could be entitled to a substantial financial recovery for the needless injuries you sustained. At Denena Points, PC, our Pearland, TX medical device injury attorneys have more than 15 years of experience holding manufacturers accountable for the needless harm their products have inflicted on innocent victims.

We will meet with you for a free and confidential legal consultation to discuss your specific case and your injuries. We will work with you to determine your eligibility for full financial compensation from the surgical mesh manufacturer and also the surgeon who implanted the medical device.

You have no obligation to hire an attorney. And if you choose us to pursue your case for you, we don’t charge you any attorney’s fees unless we win your case for you. Call us today at 281-369-4363 or through our convenient online contact form. Let us help you obtain the full financial recovery you deserve for your needless suffering.