What compensations should I seek for my child’s personal injury claim? | DENENA | POINTS

To obtain the monetary compensation you deserve after a negligent driver has caused your child personal injury, our Houston child injury compensation lawyers note that you must first prove that person’s financial liability for the accident. Click the link to learn about the essential elements you must prove for liability.

 When you have successfully proven the defendant’s liability for the accident, then you can submit your claims for monetary damages in the case along with proof of the actual value of those damages. This is no easy matter, and may require the skill of a highly experienced attorney as well as the testimony of qualified expert witnesses who can attest to the long-term effects of certain injuries as well as their cumulative costs over time. Our experienced Houston child injury compensation lawyers should be able to help you locate the qualified expert witnesses appropriate to your case.

 In the case of a child, the long-term value of injuries like disfigurements and disabilities, as well as reduced earnings capacity because of disability, is higher because the victim will have to live with the consequences of the accident much longer than an older person might.

 Personal injury damages you might claim for your child include:

Incurred medical expenses,
The costs of future medical care, surgeries, therapies, and medications required to treat the injuries and conditions caused by the accident,
Pain and suffering,
Mental and emotional distress from the accident,
Reduced earnings capacity because of disabilities brought on by the accident,
Compromised family relationships, and/or
Loss of quality of life.

For each item of damages you claim, you also have to prove its accurate value as well as its actual existence. For the category of special damages, it’s a reasonably straightforward matter to assign monetary values. These damages include the items like incurred medical expenses for which you’ll have actual invoices and bills to prove up the value.

 General damages encompass more subjective claims like disfigurement, emotional distress, and pain and suffering for which you can’t just pull out a handy invoice or price tag. And our Houston child injury compensation lawyers caution that valuation of these less tangible injuries can be challenging and tricky for the inexperienced. With these damages as with other injuries, children often experience more lingering, long-term effects than adults, so the value might be comparably higher.

 But it’s important not to over-inflate the values of these damages and thereby destroy your credibility and your chances at obtaining the compensation you deserve. While it’s quite true that no amount of monetary compensation can compensate for the loss of a limb, serious brain damage, or many of the other horrific injuries that people suffer every day in needless accidents, over the years courts and insurers have come to accept a certain range of values for these claims in relation to the ages and conditions of individual victims. Your experienced attorney can guide you in your damages valuations to help you present credible claims in your case.

 The Board Certified Houston child injury compensation lawyers at Denena Points, PC have more than 12 years of valuable experience successfully guiding clients to fair financial recoveries in complex personal injury cases. Our expertise and experience could help you too. Contact us today for a free initial legal consultation. We’ll review the facts of the accident with you and help you evaluate your potential eligibility for a full financial recovery. You have no obligation to hire an attorney. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime through our online contact form.