Captain Kirk Cooks up Thanksgiving Day Safety Tips for State Farm | DENENA | POINTS

Captain Kirk Cooks up Thanksgiving Day Safety Tips for State Farm

You may not picture Captain Kirk as an old hand in the kitchen. But William Shatner has been deep frying turkeys for Thanksgiving dinners for years. And who knows, maybe Captain Kirk was a pro in the Enterprise galley when he wasn’t out saving the galaxy from tribbles, Romulans, Klingons and more.

William Shatner admits to a dangerous turkey day accident some years back. He received burns on both arms when he unexpectedly dropped the turkey into the hot oil of the deep fryer. Because of his accident and personal injuries, he’s been enlisted by the State Farm Insurance Company to speak about the dangers of deep frying turkeys in two safety videos. “Eat, Fry, Love” stands as the motto of one vignette.

In the video, William Shatner demonstrates the dangers from deep frying turkeys by accidentally catching himself on fire. Take heed. If even the dauntless Captain Kirk can be injured cooking Thanksgiving dinner, so could you. Call it the turkeys’ revenge if you will.

Thanksgiving Day annually sees an increase of about 40% over other days in residential house fires related to cooking mishaps. It’s also one of the year’s biggest days for DWI accidents. While you’re at home enjoying dinner with the family, local firefighters are out responding to more calls than on other days.

Think of the safety of yourself and your family as you cook that Thanksgiving dinner. Think of the firefighters who’d like to get home and enjoy a good meal with family and friends. Think of William Shatner, who’s concerned himself with others’ safety after his own accident. And think of the turkey. Its life should not have been given in vain. Let the turkey give its life nobly as a fine Thanksgiving dinner rather than as another victim of a Thanksgiving Day house fire.