6 Critical Bicycling Safety Tips to Follow when Sharing U.S. Roadways | DENENA | POINTS

6 Critical Bicycling Safety Tips to Follow when Sharing U.S. Roadways

Benicia-Martinez_Bridge_bicyclistsThe Galveston cycling injury lawyers at Denena Points, PC relate these 6 safety insights from the U.S. NHTSA to help bicyclists and motor vehicle drivers safely share the roads together:

  1. Always wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet when you ride. Your helmet is the single most effective way to prevent head injury in case of a crash or collision.
  1. Obey all traffic signals, signs, warnings, and lane markings. Under the law, bicyclists are “vehicle operators” and must obey the same traffic rules as motorists.
  1. When bicycling in the roadway, cyclists must ride in the same direction as other traffic.
  1. Increase your visibility to motorists during the day, and at dawn and dusk, by wearing brightly colored or fluorescent clothing.
  1. Increase your visibility to other traffic at night by using a front light and a red reflector or flashing rear light as well as retro-reflective tape or markings on clothing and equipment.
  1. Motor vehicle drivers: Be courteous and share the road. Allow at least 3 feet of clearance space when passing a bicyclist on the road; watch carefully for cyclists when making turns; watch for cyclists before opening a vehicle door or pulling out of a parking space; and yield to cyclists at intersections and as indicated by traffic signs and signals.

Contact the Galveston Cycling Injury Lawyers at Denena Points, PC for a Free Legal Consultation if You need Help after a Serious Bicycle Accident Injury

We always offer you a free initial legal consultation, without obligation, to discuss the specifics of your accident and evaluate your potential eligibility for a full financial recovery for your injuries. And we never charge attorney’s fees unless we win your claim for you. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us anytime through our online contact form.