$20 Million awarded for Death from Collapsed Banzai Water Slide | DENENA | POINTS

$20 Million awarded for Death from Collapsed Banzai Water Slide

A jury awarded the family of Robin Aleo more than $20 million for their needless loss after the young mother was killed on a Banzai water slide that collapsed beneath her. Robin Aleo had been visiting relatives in Andover, Massachusetts. She was sliding down the Banzai water slide headfirst as her husband and young child watched. Our Banzai water slide injury lawyers sadly note that the water slide suddenly partially collapsed beneath Ms. Aleo and sent her crashing head first into the concrete pool deck. She died from the injuries she received in the horrific impact.


Predictably, Toys R Us, where the slide was purchased, does not want to pay the large compensation award. Toys R Us is appealing the jury’s verdict, saying that the U.S. CPSC safety regulation at issue only applies to rigid pool slides and not to inflatable water slides. (Source: KTRK abc13.com, 4/26/13)

The Unsafe Banzai Water Slide was Recalled from the U.S. Market

The Banzai water slide injury lawyers at Denena Points, PC emphasize that the CPSC, recognizing the product’s danger, announced a recall of the Banzai water slide in May 2012. The Banzai water slide could deflate rapidly and without warning, causing serious injury or even death. In addition to the untimely death of Robin Aleo, the inflatable water slide was blamed for fracturing the neck of another woman and making a man a paraplegic.

If an Unsafe Inflatable Water Slide has injured you or a Family Member, You might be Eligible for Financial Compensation for your Injuries or Losses

Compensation is available to those who suffer needlessly because of a defective or unsafe product. Contact the Banzai water slide injury lawyers at Denena Points, PC for a free and confidential initial legal consultation to discuss your accident and evaluate your eligibility for financial recovery. You have no obligation to hire an attorney. And we don’t charge any attorney’s fees unless we win your case, so you have nothing to lose. Contact us today at 281-369-4363 or through our convenient online contact form.

You could be eligible for a full financial recovery for your:

  • Medical bills associated with the injury. This compensation could include the costs of emergency room bills, physical therapy visits, follow-up doctor visits, and surgeries.
  • Costs of future medical care needed for your injuries. Some injuries associated with the Banzai water slide are so severe that they could require life-long medical care. Our Banzai water slide injury lawyers make sure to take these costs into consideration when making a demand for compensation on your behalf.
  • Pain and suffering. It’s never possible to put an accurate monetary value on the cost of losing a loved one to death or serious injury caused by a defective product. But there are formulas that experienced attorneys like Chad Points and Tony Denena can use to obtain reasonable compensation for the heartache that the injured party and his or her family members must endure as a result of the accident.

Contact us today and let us guide you to a full financial recovery for your needless injury.