10 Water Park Safety Tips to Help You Enjoy Escape from the Texas Sun | DENENA | POINTS

10 Water Park Safety Tips to Help You Enjoy Escape from the Texas Sun


Is there any place better to be in Texas in the middle of August than in a pool of nice, cool water? Water parks provide a great escape from the merciless Texas sun in August. To help you enjoy your visit to the water park with your family and friends, the Texas water park accident lawyers at Denena Points, PC provide the following 10 safety tips:

  1. If a ride or pool area seems understaffed, or ride operators seem inattentive, avoid the pool or ride.
  1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  1. Dress appropriately with water shoes and a sun hat.
  1. Apply waterproof sunscreen and re-apply it throughout the day. Pay attention to the SPF level and the sunscreen’s directions for re-application.
  1. Parents or guardians should always supervise their children, especially those who are young or not strong swimmers.
  1. Use the buddy system, and have a designating meeting place and contact procedures in case members of your group get separated.
  1. Weak swimmers, non-swimmers, young children, and children under 48 inches tall should always wear Coast Guard approved life vests.
  1. Young children in diapers should be fitted with waterproof swim diapers. And diaper changing should be done only in designated areas to prevent the spread of germs. All water park visitors should follow good bathroom hygiene.
  1. Don’t swallow pool water, and try to avoid getting the water in your mouth.
  1. Read all posted rules and ride safety signs, listen to and follow all audio or verbal announcements, and follow all lifeguard and staff instructions. Signal lifeguards immediately if your see someone in trouble in the water.

Our Texas water park accident lawyers mention that most accidents are preventable. But not all aspects of ride or pool safety are under your control. In the rare event that you or your loved one suffers a serious injury accident at the water park, don’t hesitate to contact us for the experienced legal help you need.

The Texas water park accident lawyers at Denena Points, PC have more than 12 years of experience successfully resolving complex injury and wrongful death accident cases. We could help you too. Call us at 713-807-9500 or reach us through our online contact form to obtain a free, no obligation initial legal consultation to discuss the accident, answer your questions, and evaluate your eligibility for financial compensation.