10 Important Questions to Ask before Accepting a Settlement Offer for Your Texas Accident Injury Case | DENENA | POINTS

10 Important Questions to Ask before Accepting a Settlement Offer for Your Texas Accident Injury Case

Faced with the prospect of a lengthy and expensive trial, insurance companies and defendants are often inclined to offer you a quick cash settlement for your accident injury claim. A quick cash settlement could provide closure and help you get on with your life. It could also drastically undervalue your case and leave you struggling in the future to pay for the ongoing costs of medical care required for your injuries. You might have disabilities after the accident that reduce your income-earning capacity and leave you struggling to make ends meet.

So it’s very important that you consult with an experienced Texas personal injury attorney who could help you answer the following important questions before you accept the offered cash settlement.

  1. Do you know and understand all of the potential long-term costs of your accident and injuries yet?
  2. Who’s at fault for causing the accident, and what share of the blame does each person (including yourself) carry? The answer might strongly affect how much compensation you will be able to obtain.
  3. How complete and convincing is your evidence against the defendants in the case?
  4. What evidence do the defendants have and how convincing is it?
  5. What are your chances of winning your case at trial? Your Texas personal injury attorney should be able to give you a better idea of your prospects and whether a trial is your best option.
  6. Can you afford financially to wait out a lengthy trial to receive financial compensation?
  7. Does the offered cash settlement cover the full costs and losses from your accident and injuries?
  8. How well funded is your opposition in the case?
  9. Do juries in your area tend to award large or small amounts of compensation for your type of accident injury?
  10. How comfortable are you with the prospect of a lengthy trial?

Contact the Veteran Texas Personal Injury Attorneys at Denena Points, PC when You need Help with a Serious Accident Injury Claim

The Texas personal injury attorneys at Denena Points, PC have more than 16 years of experience successfully representing injured clients and their family members in all types of complex injury cases, and we could help you too. We are able and experienced trial lawyers Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.


Call us at 281-369-4363 or reach us through our online contact form to receive a free and confidential initial legal consultation. You have no obligation to hire an attorney. And your free initial consultation will allow us to discuss your accident with you and evaluate your potential for a full financial recovery for your injuries. Contact us today and schedule your free legal consultation.