Who is liable in a trucking accident?

Who is at fault when a truck hits a car, causing an accident?

Liability in trucking accidents

A semi-truck weighs approximately 27 times as much as a car. Given that sheer mass and speed, a wreck with a large truck can be devastating. In Texas, the highest incidents of commercial truck accidents happen in Houston, where interstates connect commerce and are heavily driven by trucks and cars alike.

Sharing the road with an 80,000-pound truck poses real dangers. Truck crashes can easily result in serious injury and even loss of life for all of those involved. Even though it is unlikely, one of these people that are injured in a truck accident Texas could be you or a family member.
If you should be in an accident with an 18-wheeler, it is important to establish liability right away, as there are a number of parties involved in getting trucks from one point to another. Companies, owners, brokers, loaders, mechanics, drivers and supervisors are just some of those involved in trucking operations.

How to prove liability in a trucking accident

The other important part of distinguishing liability is collecting and preserving data retrieved from the accident. Semi-trucks have black boxes, much like what airplanes are equipped with. These black boxes will record how fast a truck was traveling, the braking patterns, the mechanical functions prior to the accident, etc. This is one of the first things an attorney might retrieve in a truck wreck to preserve the crash information.
This information becomes vital in proving responsibility. Victims of truck accidents can sometimes receive financial compensation to make necessary adjustments to their lives after an accident. Having an experienced Houston truck accident attorney with a proven track record becomes essential in To learn more about filing a personal injury lawsuit in a truck accident, call a lawyer in your area. You can schedule a free consultation with the Houston truck wreck attorneys of Denena & Points. Call today at (877) 307-9500. You can also fill out the form on this page to schedule a free consultation about your claim.