Do Not Fall for the Tricks of Houston Truck Accident Defense Attorneys | DENENA | POINTS

Do Not Fall for the Tricks of Houston Truck Accident Defense Attorneys

If you have been injured in a Texas truck wreck, you may be eligible to recover damages from the crash. This financial compensation, which comes into play when the accident is not your fault, can cover medical bills, physical therapy, lose wages, and even instances of pain or emotional suffering.

However, given that this financial compensation comes out of the bottom line of trucking companies and insurance companies, they will spare no effort in trying to pay as little as possible out to you. They even hire malicious defense lawyers who will use every trick and tactic in the book to discredit your claim.

The common arguments of defense lawyers in Houston truck accident injury casesinclude saying that you are not really injured that badly, that the negligent truck driver (who was drunk or distracted) did not really cause the wreck, or that you’re just a liar or not credible in general.

These personal attacks can be hurtful, not to mention damaging to your claim. To fight fire with fire, it is important that you hire an experienced and aggressiveHouston truck accident lawyer who has fought against the insurance companies many times before.

It is also important that you avoid the common tricks of the defense in cases like this. Many attorneys will track you through social media sites such as Facebook, so it is important to avoid posting any information about your claim there. Insurance companies may also try to get you to admit to certain facts by calling or emailing you. DO NOT talk to any defense lawyer or insurance adjuster without first talking to your own attorney.

If you find yourself intimidated by the aggressive tactics of defense attorneys inTexas truck wreck injury cases, it is important that you contact a Houston truck accident attorney as quickly as possible.

An experienced and aggressive Houston truck accident lawyer is your best chance at earning the maximum amount of compensation possible. Call the Houston truck accident attorneys at Denena & Points today to learn more. (877) 307-9500.