Beware of the “No Zones” of Tractor Trailer Trucks | DENENA | POINTS

Beware of the “No Zones” of Tractor Trailer Trucks

There’s a lot to think about while driving on Texas roadways. Not only do you have to wear your seat belt, drive at a safe speed, be aware of dangerous road conditions and watch for negligent drivers, but you also have to be cautious around large tractor-trailer trucks.

Being aware of large trucks around you helps you anticipate their every move, giving you the opportunity to avoid a costly Houston truck wreck. Given that those involved in these crashes usually are seriously injured or even killed, you also save yourself from significant consequences.

One of the primary things you should be aware of while driving around large 18-wheelers are their blind spots, also known as “no zones.” These spots, which run along the sides and immediately in front of and in back of a truck, are invisible to truck drivers.

When truck drivers are unaware of a vehicle in their blind spot, it is easy for them to cause a costly Houston truck wreck. They may veer into the other driver, run them off the road, or stop too suddenly for other drivers to react. These crashes can result in serious injuries or even loss of life.

When driving next to a tractor-trailer truck near Houston or Austin, it is important that you avoid these no zones. This will help you and your family stay safe, avoiding the injuries that usually go along with Texas blind spot truck accidents.

If even your best effort to avoid a Texas blind spot truck accident  is to no avail, and you are injured in a crash, it is important that you not take all the responsibility for what occurs. The fact of the matter is that truck drivers also need to be held accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one has been hit and injured by a negligent truck driver, you may be eligible to recover damages from the wreck. A Houston truck wreck lawyermaybe able to help you receive financial compensation for your medical bills, ongoing care, missed time at work, and much more.

Call the Houston truck wreck lawyers at Denena & Points today toll free at (877) 307-9500 to schedule your own free consultation about your case. We will listen to the details of your accident and injuries, and may be able to give you advice on how to proceed.