What Should You Do If You Are Involved in a Big Truck Accident? | DENENA | POINTS

What Should You Do If You Are Involved in a Big Truck Accident?

The frequency of accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks seems to increase each year, bringing the potential for injuries to innocent drivers who share the road with these massive vehicles.  Despite the ongoing hazard, regulations around truck inspections and safety reviews are actually becoming more lax, allowing drivers to operate trucks that may have operational or mechanical defects.  All it takes is one fualty part or mistake in judgment, and multiple vehicles can be affected by a truck crash.

Essential Steps If You Are a Victim of a Truck Accident

If you have been involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler you should take the following steps right away:

  • Medical care for yourself or passengers
  • Call the police to the accident scene
  • Confirm that a police report will be filed
  • Get the name of the trucking company, driver and insurance information
  • Talk to any witnesses and get their contact information
  • Take photos of the vehicles involved, the road, surrounding areas affected

All of these steps will give you the information that you will need if you want to pursue any type of claim for damages resulting from the accident.  Sometimes you may be approached by an insurer with a quick settlement offer, especially if the truck driver was clearly at fault.  Before accepting an offer, we recommend that you speak with an attorney to review your options.

The Advantages of Using an Attorney to Pursue Your Claim

Not every accident requires an attorney, and if damages or injuries were minimal then you can probably work out compensation directly.  However, if you or your passengers were seriously injured or your vehicle was damaged then you may be entitled to a number of different claims.  In that case, it is best to contact an attorney who has experience in 18-wheeler truck accidents since they can give you many advantages including:

  • Not allowing insurance companies to intimidate you into accepting low settlement offers
  • Use of accident investigators and experts who can reconstruct the accident scene and establish the exact cause of the crash and who was at fault
  • Review of the truck log books, driving record, safety inspection manuals and other documentation to establish the condition of the truck and driver at the time of the accident
  • Professional legal expertise in case the case must be litigated in court to establish liability

When you are involved in a traumatic accident it is difficult to manage all of the different claims and processes, especially if you are recovering from any injuries.  If the truck driver or company is liable then it is possible to recover a variety of damages including:

  • Medical care and hospitalization
  • Vehicle repair or replacement
  • Loss of income or wages during recovery from injuries

An attorney can advise you on the full extent of damage awards available and then you can decide how you want to proceed.  If the 18-wheeler caused the accident and your injuries, then you are entitled to some type of compensation.