CPSC Banzai Waterslide Recall May Prompt Lawsuits | DENENA | POINTS

CPSC Banzai Waterslide Recall May Prompt Lawsuits

In May 2012, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled the Banzai Falls in-ground pool slide. They determined the slide is defective and can deflate suddenly, causing the user to crash to the ground. In addition, they found the slide is unstable and can topple over—even when weather conditions are calm. Finally, they determined the slide contains insufficient warnings and instructions.

The recall was prompted by reports of three people who were injured when the slide suddenly deflated as they were sliding headfirst into the pool. One woman, Robin Aleo, broke her neck and was paralyzed and unable to breathe. She died the next day. Two other people were also severely injured. One man broke his neck and became a quadriplegic. Another woman fractured her neck.

Toys R Us, who was named in a 2011 wrongful death lawsuit for fatal injuries sustained by Robin Aleo on the Banzai slide, never tested the slide to determine if it met federal safety pool slide standards. Toys R Us maintained that since the Banzai Falls in-ground pool slide was an inflatable product, the regulations did not apply.

However, a Salem Massachusetts superior court jury disagreed and held Toys R Us liable for fatal injuries sustained by Robin Aleo on the Banzai pool slide. Her husband, Michael Aleo, was awarded a $20.6 million settlement.

The product recall and Toys R Us’ wrongful death lawsuit may pave the way for additional litigation. When individuals are harmed by an unsafe product, such as the Banzai Falls in-ground pool slide, manufacturers and sellers of products may be held responsible. Since the CPSC noted design flaws with the slide as well as problems with the warnings and safety instructions, product liability lawsuits could follow.

We at Denena Points, PC Trial Attorneys feel for those whose loved ones have sustained injuries and death caused by the Banzai Falls in-ground pool slide. If you own one of these slides, we urge you to stop using it and take it to the nearest Wal-Mart or Toys R Us for a refund. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a defective product or the negligence of others, contact an experienced Houston personal injury attorney toll free at 877-307-9500 for a free case review. Alternatively, you can download a free copy of the book Danger in the Park: Your Guide to Keeping Your Kids Safe on a Roller Coaster for more information.