Carousels Are The Most Dangerous Ride at Amusement Parks | DENENA | POINTS

Carousels Are The Most Dangerous Ride at Amusement Parks

Between 1990 and 2010 there were over 90,000 injuries at amusement parks.  The reports of high speed rides causing injuries receive the most attention, but the truth is that roller coasters only account for 10% of amusement park injuries.  The highest percentage of injuries occur on carousels, about 4000 per year or 20% of the total.  Most of those injuries are caused by simple falls, and may be the reason that one-third of all amusement park injuries happen to children under five years old.

Because Carousels Seem Innocuous, Supervision May Be Lacking

Using the above statistics, the carousel is the most dangerous ride at an amusement park, as most likely to cause an injury.  This fact does not match the image of the benign carousel horses slowly bobbing up and down as they circle around.  Evidently, carousel horses are as hard to stay on as real horses and many children simply fall off.

The question arises as to why so many young children fall off of carousels, when they seem like the safest ride imaginable.  One reason may be their apparent safety when compared to the higher speed thrill rides available.  Parents and family members may not accompany young children on the ride, and can be lulled into complacency by the slow pace.

Safety Measures Lacking on Carousels

Rarely is there a safety restraint or lap bar on a carousel, so a simple loss of balance can result in a fall and injury.  By the time parents see the child slipping it is too late to catch them.  If the child falls underneath the horse, it could injure them when it descends.  The slow motion of the carousel means that the child will remain on the ride and not be thrown outward, so the ride has to be stopped to effect a rescue.

Operators of carousels don’t have the most exciting job at the park, and they too may not be as vigilant as their co-workers on the roller coaster.  However, the persistence of injuries on a carousel would seem to dictate more serious safety measures.  This is especially true since the insurance policies for carousels are actually higher than roller coasters.  Obviously, insurance companies are aware of the danger and the potential for payment of claims.

There are ways that carousels could be safer, and the simplest measure would be a requirement that children under five always be accompanied by an adult.  This would eliminate most of the falls, assuming that the adult could maintain their balance as well.  Another solution might be some type of safety restraint for younger riders, such as a basket or seat with a lap bar.

Of course, these types of modifications require money, and park operators are typically hesitant to improve equipment unless required by insurers or regulators.  In any case, the injuries are likely to continue on carousels, the most dangerous amusement park ride.